Section 2: General operation
Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
TCP/IP network basics
Regardless of the type of network connection used, there must be a way to identify each network
device on a network. A software driver installed in the computer provides the means of controlling the
instrument. A data communication protocol defines the method of exchanging instructions and data
between the computer and each instrument.
When connecting to a corporate network, the network administrator MUST provide all of the network
settings for the LAN instrument. Failure to use settings provided by the network administrator could
result in failures at other locations on the corporate network. Failure to work through the network
administrator could also be considered a breach of company policy. Always consult with the network
administrator before attempting to connect instrumentation to the network.
LAN and LXI instruments use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with other hosts on the network. A
host is defined as any device on the network that can transmit and receive IP packets. In addition to
the instrumentation, this includes workstations, servers, and routers. Each host on a TCP/IP network
is assigned an IP address that is unique to that host.