Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Appendix C: Status model
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
Status function summary
The following functions and attributes control and read the various registers. Additional information is
included in the command listings for the various register sets.
Status function summary
Function or attribute
System summary
(on page 7-183)
(on page 7-187)
Operation event
Questionable event
(on page 7-181)
Standard event
System events
(on page 7-190)
Clearing registers
Commands to reset the status registers are listed in the table below.
In addition to these commands, you can reset the enable registers and the NTR to 0. To do this, send
the individual command to program the register with a 0 as its parameter value. The PTR registers
can be reset to their defaults by programming them with all bits on. Note that the event registers are
not programmable but can be cleared by reading them.
Commands to reset registers
To reset registers:
Reset bits of the event and NTR registers to 0 and
set all PTR register bits on. Also clears the output
Reset bits of the event and NTR registers to 0 and
set all PTR register bits on.