Section 2: General operation
Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
Install LXI Discovery Browser software on your computer
You can use the LXI Discovery Browser to identify the IP addresses of LXI-certified instruments.
Once identified, you can double-click the IP address in the LXI Discovery Browser to open the web
interface for the instrument.
The Keithley LXI Discovery Browser is available on the
To locate the Keithley LXI Discovery Browser on the Keithley website:
1. Select the
2. In the model number box, type
3. From the list, select
and click the search icon. A list of software applications for the
instrument is displayed.
4. See the readme file included with the application for more information.
For more information about the LXI Consortium, see the
Run the LXI Discovery Browser
To run the LXI Discovery Browser software:
1. From the Microsoft Windows Start menu, select
Keithley Instruments
2. Select
LXI Discovery Browser
3. Click
LXI Discovery Browser
. The Keithley LXI Discovery Browser window is displayed.
The LXI Discovery Browser displays the instruments that it finds on the network and their
associated IP addresses.
4. Double-click an IP address in the LXI Discovery Browser dialog box. The instrument web page for
that instrument opens.
LAN reference
Overview of LAN instruments
When Ethernet ports became standard on computers, it was logical that instrumentation would follow.
The VXI-11 protocol, which was standardized on in the early 1990s, is the standard used to emulate
GPIB over Ethernet.
Even though Ethernet became the standard LAN technology on instruments, LAN instruments from
different vendors differed in the approach they took. Some vendors only supported static IP, whereas
others had DHCP, DLLA (Auto-IP), and static addressing. The LXI consortium was started to
standardize what should be in all instruments that conform to LXI.
An instrument that conforms to LXI version 1.3 must have the following:
All three IP addressing modes: DHCP, Auto-IP, and static IP.
A web server that has some standard Ethernet configuration parameters:
IP configuration: IP address, subnet mask, gateway.
Password protection on anything that might change the instrument state.
A control on the web page that flashes an LED or some form of indicator on the front panel of the
instrument. LXI calls this the Device Identification Functionality. This allows you to identify the web
page you are currently looking at with the instrument. This helps you identify a specific instrument
in a rack of similar model instruments.