12. Performance Testing / Quality Control
Technical Manual for sunrise RC, TW, TS, TC, BC, 6F No. T 137 302 Rev No. 1.1
12.2.3 Self Check Procedure
Before each microplate is measured, the Self Check calibration procedure is
performed to ensure that the instrument is working correctly and to calibrate the
optical system.
When the self check procedure starts, a digital value for each measurement
channel is taken without the lamp and with the lamp on, using each of the
selected measurement filters.
A calibration curve for each measurement channel is calculated.
12.3 Performance Tests
The following test can be performed to ensure that the instrument is working
correctly and accurate results are being obtained.
The repeatability and accuracy of the instrument may vary with the type of
solution and microplate used.
To eliminate this effect, the instruments are tested in the factory with a calibration
plate, which removes the influence of the solution and any variation due to the
positioning of the microplate when it is being measured.
12.3.1 QC PAC 2
QC PAC 2 provides an automated check of reader performance including
accuracy, linearity, precision and alignment with NIST traceable standards. It also
detects damaged or mislabeled filters. For more information, see QC PAC 2
Instructions for Use.
Use only “QC PAC 2 for
instruments”. The former version of the
QC PAC 2 (for SPECTRA instruments) is not compatible with the
12.3.2 Microplate
If the optical densities of the wells in the microplate are not consistent, the results
obtained with this type of microplate will be influenced.
This inconsistency can be checked by reading an empty microplate.
The OD values obtained from the measurement of the empty microplate should
be in a narrow range. For example: +/- 0.010 OD.
If the OD values are not within this range this type of microplate should not be
By using dual wavelength measurements, the influence of the difference in OD
values of the microplate is removed or reduced to a level that is within acceptable