9. Interfaces
Technical Manual for sunrise RC, TW, TS, TC, BC, 6F No. T 137 302 Rev No. 1.1
9.7 Software
The communication between the computer and the instrument occurs through
the RS-232-C interface.
The communication is done using either a self written or the communications
software program.
The transmitted measured data should be saved to a data disk so that it can be
analyzed later using a suitable software program.
9.8 Handshake
This instrument has a software handshake.
The instrument stops transmitting the data, when it receives the 'Xoff' control
code (ASCII Code 19).
The instrument then waits for the computer to send the 'Xon' control code
(ASCII Code 17) to start transmitting the data again.
9.9 Timing Of Messages
While the microplate is being measured by the photo diodes, there are time
spans of a maximum length of about 0.2 seconds, during which the instrument
is not able to respond to any command from the computer.
While the instrument is completing the measurements, the repetition time of the
status requests should not exceed every 250 ms.
This is to allow the instrument enough non-interrupted time to complete the
9.10 Communication Messages
The communication between the instrument and the computer is achieved using
ASCII code messages.
The messages must start with the code:
Start of text = 'stx' =
(ASCII code 02)
The key character which identifies the type of command must follow
immediately after the 'stx' message.
The message must end with the code:
Carriage return = 'cr' =
(ASCII code 13)
Please note to make the commands more clear in this description, the
command messages are spaced out.
If a space is required in the command message, it is indicated in this description
by the use of the '_' character.
Space = '_' =
(ASCII code 32)
Example 'stx ! cr' should be entered as 'stx!cr'.