9. Interfaces
Technical Manual for sunrise RC, TW, TS, TC, BC, 6F No. T 137 302 Rev No. 1.1
9.14 Key to Table
Connector Pin Signals
'OUT' is a signal from the instrument to the printer.
'IN' is a signal from the printer to the instrument.
Not all of the printer signals are used by the instrument, the following list gives
the signals used by the instrument.
This is a synchronizing output signal so that the printer reads the data.
This is normally 'high' and the data is read when the signal goes 'low'.
The signal must be low for at least 0.5 microseconds.
Data 1 - Data 8
These are the output signals that carry the 8 data bits of information.
The data is read in synchronization with the strobe pulse. A high level indicates
a logical '1'.
The signal must be present 0.5 microseconds before the strobe pulse is
Acklng - Acknowledge
This is an input signal to tell the instrument that the printer is ready to receive
the next block of data.
This signal is sent when the busy signal drops from 'High' to 'Low'.
The signal is automatically sent when the printer is switched on line.
This is an output from the printer which indicates the status of the printer.
When the signal is high the printer is busy and cannot receive any data. The
signal is high under the following conditions:
The data receive buffer is full.
The printer is processing the data.
The printer is off line.
The printer is in an error state.