Windows Installer Editor Reference
32-bit or 64-bit view 163
data type 169
empty key, adding 163
exporting 166
for elevated privileges 170
for multiple users 170
importing 166
key, creating 163
key, editing 167
locking 169
per machine 170
per user 170
permission, adding 169
removing entry from destination
computer 165
removing multiple keys 166
searching 196
value, adding 164
viewing all keys 47
viewing for all features 163, 165
WOW6432Node 74
Registry page 161
registry path variable 358
registry resources, shared 170
rechecking conditions 142
when to use 331
ReinstallFileOlderVersion 565
ReinstallFileVersion 565
ReinstallRepair 565
relative paths, convert to 361
about 206
compile in Visual Studio 209
compiling 207, 209
components, selecting 213
creating 207
customizing 211
example 215
features, selecting 213
multiple languages 210
selecting 25
sharing language settings 291
sharing settings 214
subdirectory 207
target platform 209
Visual Studio configuration 209
WSI file only 206
release notes 36
Release Settings page
components, selecting 213
customizing release 212
customizing summary 212
features, selecting 213
sharing settings 214
working with 211
Releases page 206
remark action 534
remarks, adding to .MSI 38
removable media, copying
installation 318
remove from destination computer
file 142
registry entry 165
remove missing files 409
Remove Previous 569
REMOVE property 440, 440
repair option, in command line 257
Replace table data 434
package contents 33
resource sharing 31
Reports directory 32
Also see Wise Software
repository connection
about 29, 65
connecting 65
repository ID 104, 106
rescan advertising info 43
reset page 21
resolution (screen) requirement 188
directories 32
exporting 122
resource sharing
about 29
locations 50
options 50
reports 31
Resources directory 32, 51
Resources page 121
Restart Manager, enable 199
restricted public properties 448
revision number 416
roles.txt file 190
script 495
rollback only 542
See component rules
See validation rule
rule set, component
copying 61
creating 60
deleting 62
modifying 62
renaming 62
selecting 58
where stored 58
run application, from
ApplicationWatch 392
Run button, popup 100
Run event macro 485
run installation
changes not saved 100
how to 99
in virtual layer 99
with command line 100
run time
properties 446, 570
Run WiseScript
example 499, 500, 501
from destination 534
from installation 535
from installed file 536
downloading from Web or CD 34
evaluating conditions 488
runtime prerequisite, add 226
RuntimeNT 569
runtimes 226
RuntimeVersion 569
save as XML 95
save error 26
Save event macro 485
excluding dependencies 139
for dependencies 138, 264
problems 41, 138
See source control
scheduling options 544
colors requirement 188
resolution requirement 188
ScreenX property 438
ScreenY property 438
scrollable text control 462
search depth 193
search for text 495
search table data 434
SecureCustomProperties 565
achieving with WiseScript 500
for file or folder 147
importing .NET Framework
settings 283
Select Feature dialog box 451
select package from repository 92
selection tree control 462
self-registration 147
adding automatically 42
how captured 155
setting for files 148
sequence, installation
about 491
adding action 497
choosing for action 539