Windows Installer Editor Reference
Translating an Installation
the new dialog box displays in English, even in the Spanish version of the installation.
You must export all the text on the new dialog box to a file, have it translated to
Spanish, and then import the Spanish version of the text back into the installation.
If you are translating the entire installation to a new language, you can export,
translate, and import all text strings in the installation.
Defining and Translating Into Additional Languages
on page 293.
If you make just a few small changes and you know the translations, you can edit
the text directly.
Changing Text in Installation Expert and Setup Editor
on page 303.
You can use the Language Strings dialog box on the Languages page to keep track
of changed and exported text strings.
Keeping Track of Changed Text Strings
on page 309.
Exporting Selected Text Strings to a File
Export selected text strings when you add or change text strings in an installation that is
translated to another language. Example: When you add a custom dialog box, you must
translate the text in that dialog box to all other languages used in the installation.
To export selected text strings
1. Select Installation Expert > Languages page.
2. From Current Release, select a release.
3. Click Strings at the right of the page.
The Language Strings dialog box appears.
4. From Language, select the language to export text strings for. The drop-down list
shows those languages that have translated text strings in this installation; they are
indicated by a Yes in the Text Translated column on the Languages page.
5. On the Language Strings dialog box, click Export.
The Export Language Strings dialog box appears.
6. From Export As, select a file type for the text strings:
Resource File
Exports the dialog boxes and strings to a Visual C++ style resource file; this
includes an .H (header) file. With a resource editor, you or the translator can
resize dialog boxes appropriately for each language.
Text File
Exports the strings to a standard text file, in which fields are separated by tabs.
Make sure that the first two fields in the text file are not translated. These are the
table and key names for the text strings and must remain intact.
7. In File Name, specify the full path for the file to export text strings to.
8. From Export Options, select which strings to export:
New or changed strings since last export
Export strings that were added or changed since you last exported text strings
for translation.