Windows Installer Editor Reference
Advanced Installations
Follow the guidelines at the beginning of the XML file. Only edit settings that are
3. On the destination computer, run the installation with the following command line:
msiexec.exe /i "PathToMsi.msi" WISE_CONFIG_INPUT_PATH="PathToWebSettingsFile.xml"
where PathToMsi.msi is the full path to the installation and
PathToWebSettingsFile.xml is the full path to the edited XML file.
The installation uses information in the XML file to configure the Web settings. Web
dialog boxes do not appear during installation.
Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server During
Use the SQL Server Scripts page to create or configure Microsoft SQL Server databases.
You might use this page if the application you are installing is a database application and
depends on certain database content and configuration. This page eliminates the need
to require end users to configure databases manually.
On this page, you specify a connection string and SQL statements, which are executed
during installation. Therefore, you have the ability to do any configuration that is
possible with SQL statements.
You can generate SQL statements in the following ways:
Type or paste SQL statements.
Import SQL statements from a file.
Specify a database to recreate, and the necessary SQL statements are generated
To configure an installation to run a SQL script
1. Select Installation Expert > SQL Server Scripts page.
Tips for Using the SQL Server Scripts Page
on page 280.
2. From Current Feature, select a feature or condition. (Because any item you add
must be assigned to a specific feature, you cannot add an item when All Features
is selected.)
Items that you add to a feature are installed on the destination computer only if the
feature is installed. Items that you add to a condition are installed only if the feature
is installed and the condition is true.
3. Click Add at the right side of the page.
The SQL Script Details dialog box appears.
4. Click the Connection tab and specify a name for the SQL script and a connection
string that connects to the database the installation modifies.
Setting SQL Connection Strings
on page 280.
5. Click the Statements tab and specify SQL statements to be executed on the
destination computer.
Specifying SQL Statements
on page 281.