Windows Installer Editor Reference
Organizing Your Installation Into Releases
Select the Windows Installer and .NET Framework runtimes to add.
Specify whether to install the SVS Driver runtime.
Add prerequisite files to run before the main installation. Prerequisite files are
usually .EXE or .MSI files, but there is no restriction on their type.
Add runtimes to run before the main installation. They are added as an include
script to the WiseScript that creates the installation .EXE.
The options on the Prerequisites page are unavailable if Do not create an .EXE file is
selected from .EXE Options on the Build Options page.
Setting Build Options for a Release
on page 216.
To add prerequisites to a release
1. Select Installation Expert > Prerequisites page.
2. From Current Release, select a release.
3. Select the Windows Installer and .NET Framework runtime versions to pre-install.
Adding a Windows Installer or .NET Framework Runtime
on page 222.
4. If the Install the .MSI into an SVS layer option is selected on the Build Options
page, specify how to install the SVS Driver.
Adding the SVS Driver Runtime
on page 223.
5. If necessary, add prerequisite files.
Adding a Prerequisite File
on page 224.
6. If necessary, add runtime files.
Adding a Runtime Prerequisite
on page 226.
For each prerequisite file and runtime file that you add in the lower pane, script is added
to the WiseScript that creates the installation’s .EXE. You can edit this script to enhance
the functionality of the prerequisites.
Editing the WiseScript That Creates the Installation .EXE
on page 227.
Adding a Windows Installer or .NET Framework Runtime
On the Prerequisites page, you can select the Windows Installer and .NET Framework
runtimes to add to the installation for pre-installation on the destination computer.
If you specify a runtime that is not on your computer, the Download Redistributables
wizard appears during compile. Use the Wise Web Site option to download that runtime,
which should be pre-selected.
Downloading Redistributable Files
on page 34.
The options on the Prerequisites page are unavailable if Do not create an .EXE file is
selected from .EXE Options on the Build Options page.
Setting Build Options for a Release
on page 216.