Windows Installer Editor Reference
Translating an Installation
Columns on the Languages page
The Languages page has two columns:
The Language Name column lists all available languages. To translate an
installation, you mark the check box for one or more languages. This adds
translated strings for that language to the installation. Translated installations are
generated during compile.
When you mark the check box for a language, the Text Translated column displays
Yes to indicate that the installation contains a translation for that language. All
languages that show Yes in this column are listed on the Language menu.
Options for compiling a translated installation
Compile to a separate .MSI file for the default language plus each language that is
marked on the Languages page.
Creating a Translated .MSI
on page 289.
Compile to a language transform (.MST). The compile creates an .MSI for the
default language and a separate .MST for each language that is marked on the
Languages page. At installation, the appropriate .MST must be applied to the .MSI
to change the installation language.
Creating a Language Transform
on page 290.
When translations are not compiled
When you mark a language check box, then clear it, the translation remains in the
installation but no .MSI or .MST is created in that language during compile. This lets you
omit a language from the compile without losing any translated text strings. This is
especially important when you have added custom translated text.
Additional translation options
You can create a multiple-language installation that installs in the destination computer’s
language or prompts the end user to select a language.
Outputting a Multiple-Language Release
on page 210.
A Share option makes it easy to translate several releases into the same language or set
of languages, with the same language settings.
Sharing Language Settings Between Releases
on page 291.
Export text strings to a file that
you can send to a translator
Do this when you define a new language, or
when you add or change any user interface
elements in an installation.
Exporting Selected Text Strings to a File
page 300.
Import translated text strings from
a file to the installation
Importing All Text Strings After Translation
on page 296 and
Importing All Text Strings
With the New Language Wizard
on page 297.
Translate customized user
interface elements
Translating Text Strings You Have Added
or Changed
on page 299.
Keep track of changed, exported,
and imported strings
Keeping Track of Changed Text Strings
page 309.