Windows Installer Editor Reference
Organizing Your Installation Into Releases
The compiled files appear for each release whose Build check box is marked on the
Releases page. Two log files are created; one shows compile actions and the other
shows compile errors.
To create a clean build in a directory
1. Select Installation Expert > Clean Build page.
2. From Current Release, select a release.
3. Mark Store clean build in directory. This lets you copy the clean build anywhere
on the network, to a disk or zip drive, or to any other directory accessible to your
computer. You can then copy it to a clean build computer.
4. Click Browse under the Store clean build in directory option and specify the
directory in which to store the clean build.
This completes the setup portion of the clean build process. Complete the following
steps when you are ready to copy the clean build to the clean build environment.
5. To make the final build, select File menu > Update Clean Build. (In Visual Studio:
Project menu > Update Clean Build.) This is unavailable if no clean build options are
set for any release.
The new or updated files are copied to the directory you selected.
6. From the directory, copy the clean build folder to your clean build computer.
7. From the clean build folder on the clean build computer, double-click the file
Wisebuild.exe, which silently compiles the build.
The compiled files appear for each release whose Build check box is marked on the
Releases page. Two log files are created; one shows compile actions and the other
shows compile errors.
Creating Web-Based Installations With WebDeploy
Windows Installer version.
For best results with WebDeploy, the destination computer should have Windows
Installer 2.0 or later.
This page is enabled in a .WSI only.
WebDeploy™ lets you create Web-based installations that minimize bandwidth
requirements by downloading only the files needed for the installation.
If you set the installation to pre-install the Windows Installer runtime, and the
destination computer already has that runtime installed, then the runtime file is not
If the installation contains multiple features, only the features that the end user
selects during installation are downloaded and installed.
Without WebDeploy, you could create a single-file .EXE, upload it to an FTP server, and
let your end users download it by clicking on its link. The disadvantage of this is that a
single-file .EXE can be very large. The entire installation, including Windows Installer