Deployment Solution
Windows Registry Keys
Number of computers in a batch.
While inventorying computers,
engine processes ‘n’ computers at a
time. After processing ‘n’
computers, it waits for some time
(specified by
UpdateInventoryRestTime) before
processing the next batch of ‘n’
Update inventory for active
computers every ‘n’ hours. If it is
positive, this key is activated.
After every ‘n’ hours the engine will
send inventory for the active clients.
Wait time (in seconds) between
two batches.
While inventorying computers,
engine processes ‘n’ computers at a
time. After processing ‘n’ computers
it takes a pause before processing
the next batch of ‘n’ computers. This
entry defines the time of this pause.
If UpdateInventoryHours is
negative, this key is activated.
Stores time as a string in HH:MM
format, where HH can have
values 00-23 Hours.
If the value is 13:25, it means 1:25
PM. The Engine will inventory active
clients at 1:25 PM everyday or on a
particular day of the week
depending upon
If UpdateInventoryHours is
negative, this key is activated. If
positive, indicates the day of the
week ( 1 = Sunday, 2 =
Monday,...). A negative value
means everyday.
Engine inventories active computers
at a given time everyday or on a
specific day of the week.
It is related to socket activity.
This is being used for internal socket
communication activity.
1 if “Update active client
connections,” on the General Tab
of the Altiris Configuration Utility,
is enabled, otherwise 0.
If “Reset inactive client connections”
is enabled, the engine periodically
send WACs to the inactive
computers. If the AClient is running
on any of the inactive computers, it
just resets the connection with
Used to connect to sql server.
If true, then connects to database
using username and password
specified in the configuration dialog.
1 if “Update active client
connections,” on the General Tab
of the Altiris Configuration Utility,
is enabled, otherwise 0.
If “Update active client connections”
is enabled, the engine periodically
sends CACKs to the active
computers and marks those
computers, which fail to respond to
CACKs as inactive.
Registry Name
Keys present in Options folder