Deployment Solution
Creating an Image Distribution Framework
Modify Mapdrv.bat to call Getsrv.bat
Mapdrv.bat is called to map drives in the automation environment. This file is modified
to call the getsrv.bat file you modified in a previous step. After this executes, the server
name variable is available to map the drive to your local image store.
1. Launch Boot Disk Creator.
2. Expand the configuration you created in the previous section.
3. Modify mapdrv.bat to add the following line after the first line of the file:
call c:\tools\getsrv.bat
The completed file should look similar to the following:
net use F: “\\[your_ds_servername]\eXpress” /yes
call \tools\getsrv.bat
net use [drive]: “\\%SERVERNAME%\[share]” /yes
Deploy the Boot Configuration
This configuration is now ready to be deployed using PXE, installed to an automation
partition, or copied to boot media. Computers must boot this configuration when
performing imaging tasks.
Step Five: Distribute an Image
You are now ready to test your configuration by deploying an image. Use the standard
deploy image task in the Deployment Console, keeping in mind the following:
Images must be replicated before the task executes.
The path to the image file specified in the Deploy Image task should be based on
the image store drive you mapped when creating your boot configuration. Example:
if you selected G and mapped \\%SERVERNAME%\ds_images, and your images are
located in the root folder of that share, the path is G:\imagename.img.
The server lookup file must be accessible.