Deployment Solution
PXE Configuration Utility
computers, after you select all the properties for a New Configuration, Boot Disk Creator
must know the type of image file
to create.
Field Definitions
Automation PXE image:
The automation agent for the type of pre-boot operating
system configuration that you created is added to the settings you selected throughout
New Configuration Wizard
Network PXE image:
The configuration you created does not contain an automation
agent. When client computers boot with this image file, they are mapped to a network
server and are
at a user’s prompt. (This option is not available in Shared Configuration
PXE Boot Image Creation Complete
This page lets you know when the PXE boot image file is completed. When you click
, the
New Shared Menu Option
page appears, displaying the location of the
PXE boot image files on the PXE Server.
PXE Server Tab
This lets you set response times for the PXE Servers and specifies how the DHCP Server
will be discovered. By default, PXE Servers inherit the shared properties from the
Shared Configurations mode. Client computers use the information defined on this page
to locate the PXE Server that provides their services.
PXE Server properties
PXE Server IP address:
By default, the IP address for both Shared Configuration and
Customize PXE Server modes are displayed. If, for some reason, you need to change the
IP address on a PXE Server, enter the same IP address in this field.
Enter the IP address for the specific PXE Server you selected from the
menu. When
client computers perform a PXE boot, the IP address helps them communicate with the
PXE Server.
Use Shared properties:
This is selected when you set the properties for a Shared
Configuration. You cannot change this selection on the other pages if you set the
properties for the Shared Configuration.
Customize PXE Server: Shared Configuration:
This option is available when you
select a specific server from the
menu. You can also customize the properties for
the PXE Server you selected.
Response Time:
This lets you set the PXE Server response time when the client
computers request a PXE boot.
Example: If you have three PXE Servers, you can set the first PXE Server to
delayed response (1/2 second)
, the second to
Immediate response
, and the third
to a
Delayed response
of your choice. This helps control which PXE Servers will
respond to the client computers when they perform a PXE boot. In this example, the
second PXE Server would respond to client computers before the first server.
PXE Server image update:
This lets you control options for how updated PXE boot
images are distributed to the PXE servers.
Limit bandwidth
throttles the amount of
network bandwidth consumed by the transfer, but might result in your images taking
longer to update.