Deployment Solution
About Altiris® Deployment Solution™
Deployment Web Console: A Web application that provides browser-based
administration. This console can be executed remotely using any Web browser, and
has built-in tools to manage multiple Deployment Servers.
Deployment Tab in the Altiris Console: This interface is integrated into the Altiris
Console to provide integrated management with other Altiris Solutions. Its features
are the same as the Deployment Web Console.
Automation Tools
Automation is the preboot environment loaded by Deployment Server to perform tasks
which need to happen outside of the normal operating system. If you have ever used a
disk imaging utility, or booted a computer using an installation CD, you are probably
familiar with running computers in a similar environment.
Deployment Solution provides several tools to boot computers to this environment and
supports several automation operating systems.
Deployment Agent
This agent runs on managed computers to report inventory, run software and scripts,
perform power control, and boot the computer into automation.
A Remote Agent Installer is provided to quickly install the agent on multiple Windows
computers. Linux computers can install the agent using startup scripts and other
automated processes.