Table 8–1 CDU Power Cable Variations
Cable Part No.†
Country Usage
Europe, Japan
IEC 309 plug and
cordage (220/240 volt)
United States
NEMA 5–20P twist-lock
plug (120 volt)
†The SH043–ZZ cabinet version for Europe and Japan is shipped with the either the 17–01255–01 or
17–00083–57 power cable, depending upon customer requirements.
‡All power cables are supplied with a female plug compatible with the IEC input connector on the
front panel of the CDU.
8.3 Utility Power Cord
Each SH043 cabinet is furnished with one additional power cord for the purpose
of powering monitors, printers, or other devices. The power cord is connected to
the rear panel of the CDU and may be found coiled up in the base of the cabinet.
8.4 Single CDU Configurations
Using one CDU, cabinet power can be configured with both single and dual power
supplies in each shelf. Refer to Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 for further information on
these configurations.
8.4.1 Single Cabinet Power Configuration
Unless options are specified, SH043-series cabinets are shipped with a single
CDU and single-shelf power supplies. For ease of upgrade, the cabinet is supplied
with 10 black and 10 gray preinstalled ac power cords. One black and one gray
power cord is routed to each usable front and rear shelf position. These cords are
used to supply ac power to shelves as they are added to the cabinet. The black
cord at each newly added shelf’s mounting position needs only to be plugged into
the shelf’s power supply to complete the shelf’s installation.
8.4.2 Dual Shelf Power Configuration
In the dual shelf power configuration, a second ac power supply is necessary for
each shelf. (Refer to Figure 1–5.) Configure each shelf for dual ac power supplies
as follows:
1. Power the cabinet down as described in Section 8.1.
2. Plug in a second ac power supply (B) next to the existing ac power supply (A)
in each shelf.
3. Plug the gray ac power cord at each shelf position into the connector on the
newly added ac power supply.
4. Connect the CDU primary power cable to its power source.
5. Using the procedures appropriate to your system, turn on the cabinet and
initialize it.
8–2 Power Configuration