Power control (PWR)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
5.3.4 Stop
The Stop mode is based on the Cortex-M3 deepsleep mode combined with peripheral clock
gating. The voltage regulator can be configured either in normal or low-power mode. In Stop
mode, all clocks in the 1.8 V domain are stopped, the PLL, the HSI and the HSE RC
oscillators are disabled. SRAM and register contents are preserved.
In the Stop mode, all I/O pins keep the same state as in the Run mode.
Entering Stop mode
Refer to
for details on how to enter the Stop mode.
To further reduce power consumption in Stop mode, the internal voltage regulator can be
put in low-power mode. This is configured by the LPDS bit of the
If Flash memory programming is ongoing, the Stop mode entry is delayed until the memory
access is finished.
If an access to the APB domain is ongoing, The Stop mode entry is delayed until the APB
access is finished.
In Stop mode, the following features can be selected by programming individual control bits:
Independent watchdog (IWDG): the IWDG is started by writing to its Key register or by
hardware option. Once started it cannot be stopped except by a Reset. See
Section 19.3: IWDG functional description
Section 19: Independent watchdog
Table 12.
Sleep-now mode
Mode entry
WFI (Wait for Interrupt) or WFE (Wait for Event) while:
– SLEEPDEEP = 0 and
Refer to the Cortex™-M3 System Control register.
Mode exit
If WFI was used for entry:
Interrupt: Refer to
Table 63: Vector table for other STM32F10xxx devices
If WFE was used for entry
Section 10.2.3: Wakeup event management
Wakeup latency
Table 13.
Mode entry
WFI (wait for interrupt) while:
– SLEEPDEEP = 0 and
Refer to the Cortex™-M3 System Control register.
Mode exit
Interrupt: refer to
Table 63: Vector table for other STM32F10xxx devices
Wakeup latency