Ethernet (ETH): media access control (MAC) with DMA controller
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bits 25:23
Error bits status
These bits indicate the type of error that caused a bus error (error response on the AHB
interface). Valid only with the fatal bus error bit (ETH_DMASR register [13]) set. This field does
not generate an interrupt.
Bit 23
Error during data transfer by TxDMA
Error during data transfer by RxDMA
Bit 24
Error during read transfer
Error during write transfer
Bit 25
Error during descriptor access
Error during data buffer access
Bits 22:20
Transmit process state
These bits indicate the Transmit DMA FSM state. This field does not generate an interrupt.
000: Stopped; Reset or Stop Transmit Command issued
001: Running; Fetching transmit transfer descriptor
010: Running; Waiting for status
011: Running; Reading Data from host memory buffer and queuing it to transmit buffer (Tx
100, 101: Reserved for future use
110: Suspended; Transmit descriptor unavailable or transmit buffer underflow
111: Running; Closing transmit descriptor
Bits 19:17
Receive process state
These bits indicate the Receive DMA FSM state. This field does not generate an interrupt.
000: Stopped: Reset or Stop Receive Command issued
001: Running: Fetching receive transfer descriptor
010: Reserved for future use
011: Running: Waiting for receive packet
100: Suspended: Receive descriptor unavailable
101: Running: Closing receive descriptor
110: Reserved for future use
111: Running: Transferring the receive packet data from receive buffer to host memory
Bit 16
Normal interrupt summary
The normal interrupt summary bit value is the logical OR of the following when the
corresponding interrupt bits are enabled in the ETH_DMAIER register:
– ETH_DMASR [0]: Transmit interrupt
– ETH_DMASR [2]: Transmit buffer unavailable
– ETH_DMASR [6]: Receive interrupt
– ETH_DMASR [14]: Early receive interrupt
Only unmasked bits affect the normal interrupt summary bit.
This is a sticky bit and it must be cleared (by writing a 1 to this bit) each time a corresponding
bit that causes NIS to be set is cleared.