Real-time clock (RTC)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
18.2 RTC
Programmable prescaler: division factor up to 2
32-bit programmable counter for long-term measurement
Two separate clocks: PCLK1 for the APB1 interface and RTC clock (must be at least
four times slower than the PCLK1 clock)
The RTC clock source could be any of the following ones:
HSE clock divided by 128
LSE oscillator clock
LSI oscillator clock (refer to
for details)
Two separate reset types:
The APB1 interface is reset by system reset
The RTC Core (Prescaler, Alarm, Counter and Divider) is reset only by a Backup
domain reset (see
Section 7.1.3: Backup domain reset on page 88
Three dedicated maskable interrupt lines:
Alarm interrupt, for generating a software programmable alarm interrupt.
Seconds interrupt, for generating a periodic interrupt signal with a programmable
period length (up to 1 second).
Overflow interrupt, to detect when the internal programmable counter rolls over to