Flexible static memory controller (FSMC)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 11
Wait timing configuration.
For memory access in burst mode, the NWAIT signal indicates whether the data from the memory
are valid or if a wait state must be inserted. This configuration bit determines if NWAIT is asserted
by the memory one clock cycle before the wait state or during the wait state:
0: NWAIT signal is active one data cycle before wait state (default after reset),
1: NWAIT signal is active during wait state (not for Cellular RAM).
Bit 10
Wrapped burst mode support.
Defines whether the controller will or not split an AHB burst wrap access into two linear accesses.
Valid only when accessing memories in burst mode
0: Direct wrapped burst is not enabled (default after reset),
1: Direct wrapped burst is enabled.
Note: This bit has no effect as the CPU and DMA cannot generate wrapping burst transfers.
Bit 9
Wait signal polarity bit.
Defines the polarity of the wait signal from memory. Valid only when accessing the memory in burst
0: NWAIT active low (default after reset),
1: NWAIT active high.
Bit 8
Burst enable bit.
Enables the burst access mode for the memory. Valid only with synchronous burst memories:
0: Burst access mode disabled (default after reset)
1: Burst access mode enable
Bit 7
Bit 6
Flash access enable
Enables NOR Flash memory access operations.
0: Corresponding NOR Flash memory access is disabled
1: Corresponding NOR Flash memory access is enabled (default after reset)
Bits 5:4
Memory databus width.
Defines the external memory device width, valid for all type of memories.
00: 8 bits,
01: 16 bits (default after reset),
10: reserved, do not use,
11: reserved, do not use.
Bits 3:2
Memory type.
Defines the type of external memory attached to the corresponding memory bank:
00: SRAM, ROM (default after reset for Bank 2...4)
01: PSRAM (Cellular RAM: CRAM)
10: NOR Flash(default after reset for Bank 1)
11: reserved
Bit 1
Address/data multiplexing enable bit.
When this bit is set, the address and data values are multiplexed on the databus, valid only with
NOR and PSRAM memories:
0: Address/Data nonmultiplexed
1: Address/Data multiplexed on databus (default after reset)
Bit 0
Memory bank enable bit.
Enables the memory bank. After reset Bank1 is enabled, all others are disabled. Accessing a
disabled bank causes an ERROR on AHB bus.
0: Corresponding memory bank is disabled
1: Corresponding memory bank is enabled