Ethernet (ETH): media access control (MAC) with DMA controller
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bits 19:17
Interframe gap
These bits control the minimum interframe gap between frames during transmission.
000: 96 bit times
001: 88 bit times
010: 80 bit times
111: 40 bit times
Note: In Half-duplex mode, the minimum IFG can be configured for 64 bit times (IFG = 100)
only. Lower values are not considered.
Bit 16
Carrier sense disable
When set high, this bit makes the MAC transmitter ignore the MII CRS signal during frame
transmission in Half-duplex mode. No error is generated due to Loss of Carrier or No Carrier
during such transmission.
When this bit is low, the MAC transmitter generates such errors due to Carrier Sense and even
aborts the transmissions.
Bit 15 Reserved
Bit 14
Fast Ethernet speed
Indicates the speed in Fast Ethernet (MII) mode:
0: 10 Mbit/s
1: 100 Mbit/s
Bit 13
Receive own disable
When this bit is set, the MAC disables the reception of frames in Half-duplex mode.
When this bit is reset, the MAC receives all packets that are given by the PHY while
This bit is not applicable if the MAC is operating in Full-duplex mode.
Bit 12
Loopback mode
When this bit is set, the MAC operates in loopback mode at the MII. The MII receive clock
input (RX_CLK) is required for the loopback to work properly, as the transmit clock is not
looped-back internally.
Bit 11
Duplex mode
When this bit is set, the MAC operates in a Full-duplex mode where it can transmit and receive
Bit 10
IPv4 checksum offload
When set, this bit enables IPv4 checksum checking for received frame payloads'
TCP/UDP/ICMP headers. When this bit is reset, the checksum offload function in the receiver
is disabled and the corresponding PCE and IP HCE status bits (see
are always cleared.
Bit 9
Retry disable
When this bit is set, the MAC attempts only 1 transmission. When a collision occurs on the
MII, the MAC ignores the current frame transmission and reports a Frame Abort with
excessive collision error in the transmit frame status.
When this bit is reset, the MAC attempts retries based on the settings of BL.
Note: This bit is applicable only in the Half-duplex mode.
Bit 8 Reserved