Advanced-control timers (TIM1&TIM8)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Figure 85.
Center-aligned PWM waveforms (ARR=8)
Hints on using center-aligned mode:
When starting in center-aligned mode, the current up-down configuration is used. It
means that the counter counts up or down depending on the value written in the DIR bit
in the TIMx_CR1 register. Moreover, the DIR and CMS bits must not be changed at the
same time by the software.
Writing to the counter while running in center-aligned mode is not recommended as it
can lead to unexpected results. In particular:
The direction is not updated if you write a value in the counter that is greater than
the auto-reload value (TIMx_CNT>TIMx_ARR). For example, if the counter was
counting up, it continues to count up.
The direction is updated if you write 0 or write the TIMx_ARR value in the counter
but no Update Event UEV is generated.
The safest way to use center-aligned mode is to generate an update by software
(setting the UG bit in the TIMx_EGR register) just before starting the counter and not to
write the counter while it is running.