5 - Peripherals
Interrupt requests may be generated by several external or internal sources. Most peripherals
of the ST7 can produce interrupt requests, such as the I/O ports, the timers or the SPI. The In-
terrupt request depends on the type of the peripheral: the I/O ports may have some bits con-
figured to generate an interrupt, either on low-level, falling edge, rising edge, or both. The
timer may request an interrupt on timer overflow, external capture or output comparison. The
SPI may request an interrupt on end of transmission, etc.
5.2.1 Interrupt sources and interrupt vectors
The interrupt sources are summarised in the tables of the following paragraphs. There are
compared the interrupt-related information for the ST72251 and the ST72311. It is interesting
to see the differences.
Interrupt request
sent to the core
Hardware external sources
eg: I/O Ports,
Timer Input capture ...
Hardware internal sources
eg: Timer Overflow,
Tim er comparison,
SPI end of transmission...
Softw are source :
TRA P interrupt
Special interrupt :The R eset V ector.
external : R eset pin,
internal : Pow er-on Re set,
W atchdog e nd of count
The various sources of interrupts