7 - Debugger and PROM Programmer Tutorial for ST72251
Press OK. The hexadecimal file, containing the machine-language program, is loaded. The
debugger expects that the map file of the project also resides in the same directory and has
the same name, but with the extension .MAP. For this to happen, the batch file that builds the
program must produce a .S19 file with the same name as the output file of the linker:
obsend CATERPIL,f,CATERPIL.s19,s
This is common practice and should be adhered to. When you open this file for the first time,
you have to specify which microcontroller type you are using, with the Command/Micro name
option. Then you can select the appropriate type from the list supplied:
All other times the same file is opened, this setting is remembered and you do not need to
make this selection again.
After loading, the window of the main source file opens: