7 - Debugger and PROM Programmer Tutorial for ST72251
In this window, select the device that will be used. Then press OK. The EP ROMER is now
Typically, to program an EEPROM, we need to load the hexadecimal file into the programmer,
then to program the device.
The hexadecimal file has already been produced in the previous chapter. It has a .S19 exten-
sion. So, let us select File/Open, and in the file type combobox, select S19 files (the default is
HEX files). Once the file is read, its content is displayed in the window:
Please note that the range of the addresses in the hexadecimal file must fit the actual memory
size of the selected device. The display above allows you to scroll throughout the entire
memory range, but not past its limits. A ny record in the hexadecimal file that is outside this
range will be ignored.