Programming and Operating Manual (Milling)
6FC5398-4DP10-0BA1, 01/2014
DP and DPR (slot depth)
The slot depth can be specified either absolute (DP) or relative (DPR) to the reference plane.
With relative specification, the cycle calculates the resulting depth automatically using the positions of reference and
retraction planes.
NUM (number)
Use the parameter NUM to specify the number of slots.
LENG and WID (slot length and slot width)
Use the parameters LENG and WID to define the form of a slot in the plane. The milling cutter diameter must be smaller
than the slot width. Otherwise, alarm 61105 "Cutter radius too large" will be activated and the cycle aborted.
The milling cutter diameter must not be smaller than half of the groove width. This is not checked.
CPA, CPO and RAD (center point and radius)
You define the position of the circle in the machining plane by the center point (CPA, CPO) and the radius (RAD). Only
positive values are permitted for the radius.
STA1 and INDA (starting and incremental angle)
The arrangement of the slot on the circle is defined by these parameters.
STA1 defines the angle between the positive direction of the first axis (abscissa) of the workpiece coordinate system active
before the cycle was called and the first groove. Parameter INDA contains the angle from one slot to the next.
If INDA=0, the incrementing angle is calculated from the number of slots so that they are arranged equally around the circle.
FFD and FFP1 (feedrate for depth and surface)
The feedrate FFD is active for all infeed movements perpendicular to the machining plane.
The feedrate FFP1 is active for all movements in the plane traversed at feedrate when roughing.
MID (infeed depth)
Use this parameter to define the maximum infeed depth.
The depth infeed is performed by the cycle in equally-sized infeed steps.
Using MID and the total depth, the cycle automatically calculates this infeed which lies between 0.5 x maximum infeed depth
and the maximum infeed depth. The minimum possible number of infeed steps is used as the basis. MID=0 means that the
cut to slot depth is made with one feed.
The depth infeed commences at the reference plane moved forward by the safety clearance.
CDIR (milling direction)
Use this parameter to specify the machining direction for the groove. Possible values are:
"2" for G2
"3" for G3
If the parameter is set to an illegal value, then the message "Wrong milling direction, G3 will be generated" will be displayed
in the message line. In this case, the cycle is continued and G3 is automatically generated.
FAL (finishing allowance)
Use this parameter to program a finishing allowance at the slot edge. FAL does not influence the depth infeed.
If the value of FAL is greater than allowed for the specified width and the milling cutter used, FAL is automatically reduced to
the maximum possible value. In the case of roughing, milling is performed with a reciprocating movement and depth infeed
at both end points of the slot.