Advanced commissioning
6.4 Drive control via PROFIBUS or PROFINET
Converter with the control units CU240D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.9 SP10, A5E34262100B AF
Figure 6-8
Telegram structure
Every telegram for cyclic data exchange has the following basic structure:
Header and trailer form the protocol frame.
User data is located within the frame:
PKW: The control can read or change every parameter in the inverter via "PKW data".
Not every telegram has a "PKW range".
PZD: The inverter receives control commands and setpoints from the higher-level
control - and sends status messages and actual values via "PZD data".
PROFIdrive and telegram numbers
For typical applications, certain telegrams are defined in the PROFIdrive profile and are
assigned a fixed PROFIdrive telegram number. As a consequence, behind a PROFIdrive
telegram number, there is a defined signal composition. As a consequence, a telegram
number uniquely describes cyclic data exchange.
The telegrams are identical for PROFIBUS and PROFINET.
Telegrams that are available
The user data of the telegrams that are available are described in the following.
16-bit speed setpoint
16-bit speed setpoint for VIK-Namur