5. Position the text field next to the object.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create the following text fields:
– Raw materials tank
– Plant unit RMT 1
7. Open the properties for the text field "Plant unit RMT 1" and select the "Static Text/Font"
entry in the tree view.
8. Switch to the detail view and enter the value "16" for the "Font Size" attribute.
9. Close the "Object Properties" dialog box.
10.Position the text fields as follows:
– Raw materials tank: on the left, next to the raw material tank
– Plant unit RMT 1: in the upper left-hand corner of the process picture
11.Select File > Save to save the process picture.
Configuring the operator station
9.7 Creating the process picture
PCS 7 SMART Getting Started - Part 1 (V9.0 with APL)
Getting Started, 12/2017, A5E42181435-AA