Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Connect to Networks using DF1
The following protocols are supported on the embedded serial port, including any
2080-SERIALISOL plug-in module that is installed, on the newer Micro850 (2080-L50E) and
Micro870 (2080-L70E) controllers.
• DF1 Full Duplex
• DF1 Half-Duplex Master/Slave
• DF1 Radio Modem
DF1 Full-Duplex Protocol
DF1 Full-Duplex protocol provides a point-to-point connection between two devices. DF1 Full-
Duplex protocol combines data transparency (American National Standards Institute ANSI –
X3.28-1976 specification subcategory D1) and 2-way simultaneous transmission with
embedded responses (subcategory F1).
The controller supports the DF1 Full-Duplex protocol via RS-232 connection to external devices,
such as computers, or other controllers that support DF1 Full-Duplex.
DF1 support is achieved through the CIP serial interface in the Micro800 controllers.
DF1 Full-Duplex protocol (also referred to as DF1 point-to-point protocol) is useful where RS-
232 point-to-point communication is required. DF1 protocol controls message flow, detects
and signals errors, and retries if errors are detected.
This appendix only applies to Micro850 (2080-L50E) and Micro870
(2080-L70E) controllers.
Configure DF1 Half-Duplex Parameters
Configure a Standard-Mode DF1 Half-Duplex Master Station
Configure a Message-based Mode DF1 Half-Duplex Master