Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 12 Using microSD Cards
Quickstart Projects for Data
Log and Recipe Function
The following sample quickstart projects provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the
Data Log and Recipe function blocks in the Connected Components Workbench software to
generate and manage your recipe files and data logs.
Use the Data Log Feature
IMPORTANT RCP Function Block Execution
• There are three possible states for Recipe function block: Idle, Busy,
Complete (Complete with Succeed and Complete with Error)
• For one Recipe function block execution, the typical status starts from
Idle then Busy and finishes with Complete. To trigger another function
block execution, the status needs to go back to Idle first.
• Idle status changes to Busy status only when Enable input signal is in
rising edge. Complete status enters Idle status when Enable input signal
is on Disable status.
• RWFlag, CfgId, and RcpName input parameters are only sampled at
Enable input parameter's rising edge when a new function block
execution starts. During function block execution, input parameters of
RWFlag, CfgId, and RcpName are locked and any changes are ignored.
• When the function block execution finishes, the function block status
changes from Busy to Complete. At this stage, if input Enable is False,
function block status changes to Idle after staying as Complete for
exactly one scan time. Otherwise, function block status remains
Complete until input Enable changes to False.
• Recipe function block file name supports a maximum of 30 bytes in
length, and only supports upper and lower case letters Aa…Zz, numbers
0…9 and underscore (_).
• The RcpName input parameter does not allow file extension (for example,
.txt) to be added to its value. The recipe data file is written to the microSD
card with the .txt extension.
• There are separators in between every data variable in the recipe data
file that is defined during configuration in Connected Components
Workbench software. Redundant tab, space, carriage return, and line
feed characters are strictly not allowed.
Supported Data Types for Data Log and Recipe Function Blocks on
• Double quotes are not allowed within a string in a recipe file.