Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 8 EtherNet/IP Network
For details on each UDFB instruction, see
User-defined Function Block Motion Instructions on
Download the User-defined
Function Block Instruction
You can download the user-defined function blocks for Kinetix 5100 and PowerFlex 520-series
drives from the Product Compatibility Download Center (PCDC) website at
In the Search PCDC text field (
), enter “Kinetix 5100 UDFB Library” or “PowerFlex 520-
series UDFB Library”.
Figure 13 - Search PCDC
Select the files that you want to download from the search results.
Import the User-defined
Function Block Instruction
To import the user-defined function blocks into your Connected Components Workbench
project, do the following.
1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click the controller and click Import -> Import
Exchange File.
Motion Axis Stop
Use the Motion Axis Stop instruction to stop a specific motion process on the motor or
to stop the motor completely.
Motion Axis Fault Reset.
Use the Motion Axis Fault Reset instruction to clear many motion faults for the drive.
Some faults cannot be cleared until you cycle power to the drive. The faults, which can
be cleared by raC_
_K5100_MAFR, are listed in the fault list section.
Motion Axis Index
Use the Motion Axis Index instruction to execute the specified PR (index) function of
the drive. Use K5100C configuration software or explicit messaging to set the PR
(index) parameters. The raC_Opr_K5100_MAI instruction specifies the PR (index)
number to be executed.
Table 24 - UDFB Motion Instruction List for Kinetix 5100 Drives (Continued)