Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 9 Motion Control
3. Click Dynamics. The <Axis Name> - Dynamics tab appears. Edit the Dynamics
parameters based on the values in
Table 31 - Limits Parameters
(1) To convert from user units to pulse:
Hard Limits
Defines upper and lower hard limits for the axis.
When hard limits is reached, apply
Configure whether to perform a forced PTO hardware stop
(immediately turn off pulse output) or whether to decelerate (leave
pulse output on and use deceleration values as defined on the
Emergency Stop profile).
Set as any of the following:
• Forced PTO Hardware Stop
• Emergency Stop Profile
Lower Hard Limit
Click checkbox to enable a lower hard limit.
Active Level (for Lower Hard Limit)
High or Low.
Upper Hard Limit
Click checkbox to enable.
Active Level (for Upper Hard Limit)
High or Low.
Soft Limits
Defines upper and lower soft limits values.
Lower Soft Limit
(2) The parameter is set as REAL (float) value in Connected Components Workbench. To learn more about conversions and
rounding of REAL values, see
Real Data Resolution on page 187
Lower soft limit should be less than upper soft limit.
1. Click checkbox to enable an lower/upper soft limit.
2. Specify a value (in mm).
Upper Soft Limit
A red border on an input field indicates that an invalid value has been
entered. Scroll over the field to see tooltip message that will let you know
the valid value range for the parameter. Supply the valid value.
Travel per revolution
Pulse per revolution
Value in user unit = Value in pulse x