Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 8 EtherNet/IP Network
The selected UDFB file is shown in the dialog box.
4. Click the pull-down arrow to expand the list and see all UDFBs within the UDFB file.
5. Verify that the checkboxes next to the UDFBs that are required for your application are
selected. You can clear the checkboxes for UDFBs that are not required.
6. Click Import to add the selected UDFBs into the project.
The imported UDFBs appear in the Controller Organizer under the Add-On Instructions folder,
along with the Add-On defined data types, which appear in the Controller Organizer under the
Data Types -> Structures folder.
There are three UDFBs for PowerFlex 520-series drives to provide a necessary function block
with Assembly Instance.
There are 10 UDFBs (raC_Opr_K5100_xxx) and one Device Object instruction (raC_Dvc_K5100)
for Kinetix 5100 drives firmware revision 2 or later to provide a necessary function block with
output Assembly Instance 106 (or “Connection” is “Data with Camming”) for the K5100 module
configuration. These UDFBs may not work if output Assembly Instance 104 is configured (or
“Connection” is “Data”) for the K5100 module configuration.
UDFBs for Kinetix 5100 Drives
UDFBs for PowerFlex 520-series Drives
UDFBs for Kinetix 5100 Drives
UDFBs for PowerFlex 520-series Drives