Number of communication controllers setting
The number of communication controllers when conducting polling I/O communication is set by the
attribute ID 236 of object instance (instance ID) 1 in “Controller object (0x64: 64Hex).”
Corresponding object: Controller object (0x64)
Object class ID: 64
Instance ID:
Attribute ID:
236 (Number of polling I/O communication controllers)
Write data:
1 to 31
Number of communication words setting
The number of communication words when conducting polling I/O communication is set by the
attribute IDs, 240 and 241 of object instance (instance ID) 1 in “Controller object (0x64: 64Hex).”
Attribute ID 240: Number of communication measured data items (IN)
Attribute ID 241: Number of communication setting data items (OUT)
Corresponding object: Controller object (0x64)
Object class ID: 64
Instance ID:
Attribute ID:
240 (Number of communication measured words)
241 (Number of communication setting words)
Write data:
0 to 200 words
The number of communication words can be calculated from the following equation.
Number of communication words
Number of communication items
Number of communication controllers
Fixed communication date items: 5 words*
* Measured data items (IN)
Receive counter:
1 word
Alarm state:
2 words
RUN/STOP state:
2 words
Setting data items (OUT)
Setting state selection: 3 words
RUN/STOP transfer: 2 words
Controller address setting
The controller address setting when conducting polling I/O communication is set by the attribute ID
245 of object instance (instance ID) 1 to 31 in “Controller object (0x64: 64Hex).”
Corresponding object: Controller object (0x64)
Object class ID: 64
Instance ID:
1 to 31
Attribute ID:
245 (Controller address setting)
Write data:
0 to 99
Set “0” in non-connected controllers.
Controllers with addresses set to “0” will not perform communication. If a value other than “0”
(1 to 99) is set in a non-connected controller, communication will take place, however, all data
will be “0.”