Firmware Update
User Manual 1178.5566.02 ─ 05
b) If the instrument is connected to the network, enter the hostname or the IP
address of the instrument in the field "Manually add a Raw SCPI Device" and
then press "Check and Add" or
The program searches for the specified instrument on the network and adds it
to the "Device" list.
c) It is also possible to scan the local network for VISA network devices automati-
cally. This can be more time-consuming than adding the device manually as
described above. To do this, check the setting "Including VISA Network Devi-
ces" before you press "Rescan".
d) Check whether a VISA library is installed on the computer.
If no VISA library is installed on the computer, no VISA instrument will be
If a network connection is used: Check whether the instrument is registered as
a VISA device.
3. In the "Device" line select the instrument you want to update.
Firmware Update via PC and USB or Ethernet Connection