Remote control commands
User Manual 1179.3615.02 ─ 01
MMEMory:STORe:STATe 4,"settings.savrcltxt"
// Load the saved settings in the intermediate memory 4 and activate them
MMEMory:LOAD:STATe 4,"/var/user/settings.savrcltxt"
*RCL 4
Example: Working with files and directories
This example shows how to list files in a directory, list the subdirectories, query the
number of files in a directory, create directory, rename and delete files.
// Query the current default directory for mass storage,
// change the directory to the default user directory "/var/user"
// and read out the files in it
// "/var/user/temp"
// "/var/user/"
// 1282630,8102817792,".,DIR,4096","..,DIR,4096","Log,DIR,4096",
// "settings.savrcltxt,BIN,16949","temp,DIR,4096","test,DIR,4096",
// "list.lsw,BIN,1245201"
// the directory "/var/user" contains the predefined directory "Log",
// the subdirectories "test" and "temp"
// as well as the files "settings.savrcltxt" and "list.lsw"
// query
only the subdirectories
of the current or specified directory
MMEMory:DCATalog? "/var/user"
// ".","..","Log","temp","test"
// query
only number of subdirectories
in the current or specified directory
MMEMory:DCATalog:LENGth? "/var/user"
// 5
// query
number of files
in the current or specified directory
MMEMory:CATalog:LENGth? "/var/user"
// 7
// Create a new directory for mass memory storage in the specified directory
MMEMory:MDIRectory "/var/user/new"
// Copy the file "settings.savrcltxt" into the new directory
MMEMory:COPY "/var/user/settings.savrcltxt","/var/user/new/settings.savrcltxt"
// Rename the file "settings.savrcltxt" into the new directory
// and read out the files in this
MMEMory:CDIRectory "/var/user/new"
MMEMory:MOVE "settings.savrcltxt","settings_new.savrcltxt"
MMEMory:CATalog? "/var/user/new"
// 25141,8102789120,".,DIR,4096","..,DIR,4096","settings_new.savrcltxt,BIN,16949"
MMEMory subsystem