Network operation and remote control
User Manual 1179.3615.02 ─ 01
Creating a SCPI list
With the SCPI record functions, you can create a SCPI command list directly in the
instrument and then export the list to the controller. If you want to edit or write a script
manually, use a suitable editor on the controller. Even for manually creating, the instru-
ment supports you by showing the corresponding command syntax and the current
settings value.
Directly in the instrument, you can create a SCPI list at any time of operation, in the
following ways:
Recording steps
Both, automatic and manual SCPI recording of settings is possible. You can start,
stop and resume automatic recording, and also record individual commands man-
Manually record the steps selectively
In manual recording mode, you can deliberately record a SCPI command with
the "Add CPI Command to Recording List" function, see
Automatically record all performed steps
The instrument records the SCPI command and settings value of each step
you perform, and then writes the commands to the file system, see
record SCPI lists automatically
You can also add a SCPI command manually to the recording list during auto-
matic SCPI recording.
The Automotive Radar Echo Generator clears the SCPI list after booting
Generating all settings at once
Generates the SCPI commands of the current instrument settings in one step, and
writes the command list in a temporary list, see
How to create a SCPI list with the
current instrument settings in one step
This function lists all commands in alphabetical order, in contrast to the
recording or manual creation, which consider the order the settings are configured.
Using this function can slow down the runtime or cause errors during execution.
Therefore, always check and revise a script if necessary, see
Manually create a command script with "Copy" and paste
Enables you to copy the SCPI command and the current setting, see
ter 10.9.1, "Show SCPI command"
Some parameters cannot be set by a SCPI command.
If so,
no SCPI command found
is entered instead of a command when you record or
generate all settings at once.
The difference between Show SCPI Command and the provided cross-reference
If you want to enter your settings in a script, or use a remote control program, you must
know the corresponding SCPI command and the exact syntax.
Automating tasks with remote command scripts