Promega Corporation · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516
TM411 · Revised 4/15
Figure 36. Select protocol screen.
Selecting the protocol name and or catalog number selects the
protocol on the Maxwell
RSC Instrument. Alternatively a Maxwell
RSC reagent kit bar code can be
scanned or manually entered to select the method corresponding to that kit.
3. There are two potential error modes that can occur when using RSC reagent kit bar code information to
select a method:
a. If the kit lot has passed the specified expiration date, a user prompt will appear explaining that the
kit has passed its expiration date and cannot be run. This kit should not be used, and the user should
select another kit that is within its specified expiration date to use for the run. An administrator
option can be set to allow the use of expired reagent kits on the system (see Options, Section 4.F). If
the administrator has allowed the use of expired kits, a user prompt will appear indicating that the
kit has passed the expiration date, but you will allowed to continue.
b. If the scanned product catalog number does not have a purification method associated with it on this
instrument, a user prompt will appear indicating that the software does not have a protocol for this
catalog number. Upon selecting the
button on the user prompt, the software will return to the
Home screen. Please contact Promega Technical Services ([email protected]) to get the most
updated information on the available methods.
After a method has been selected, one of two screens will appear. If sample tracking of the kit lot and
expiration date is required, the lot number and expiration date screen (Figure 37) will be displayed. If bar
code information from a Maxwell
RSC reagent kit was scanned or manually entered to select a method,
this information will be automatically recorded and this screen will not be displayed. If sample tracking of
kit information is not required, the user will be taken directly to the cartridge setup screen.