Pratt & Whitney Rzeszów S.A.
Page 203
Export Control Classification: PL/UE 9E999
If it is necessary to clan the connecting surfaces of dry oil, grease or leak stopper applied previously, use
the remover for that (see Table 202 item 43). Put on the plentiful remover on the surface of flange or
washer and wait for 10-30 minutes in order to obtain the soft layer of soil. Next, remove it with use of soft
scraper and rags. If it is necessary, repeat these actions.
In the case of use of remover protect effectively the lacquered surfaces from contact with this
preparation as it can cause damage of the lacquer.
After cleaning the surfaces of connection, degrease them in accordance with subsection (b).
Way of use of enamel S21/8.
Enamel S21/8 is delivered as an unary silicone enamel pigmented with aluminium powder. Before use, mix the
enamel carefully and if it is necessary dilute it with use of thinner (see Table 202 item 10a). In the case of use of
enamel for sealing of two adhering surfaces, put on the enamel with use of brush on one of adhering surfaces
and carry out the operation of assembly of parts. Remove immediately the outflows of enamel, bruises on screws'
threads and threaded holes with use of rag saturated with solvent as above.
In order to make the protective coat, put the uniform layer of enamel on the surface of given part with use of brush
or sprayer. Next, dry the part in the air for 15-30 minutes and next warm it at temperature 468-488 K (195-215°C,
383-419°F) for 1 hour. After cooling the part to the room temperature put on the second layer of enamel and
apply the same drying procedure that was described above. Put on the third layer only if it is specified in the
requirements for the given part.
Use of the LOCTITE 5920 leak stopper (specified in the Table 202, item 42).
Loctite 5920 leak stopper designer for sealing the connections in systems: metal-metal and metal-gasket-metal
working at temperature up to 623 K (350°C, 662°F).
Preparation of the surface for the sealing.
Adhering surfaces of parts designed for connection with use of leak stopper (flanges, washers) should be:
free of mechanical damages (for example cracks, cuts, scratches, deformations and bends)
clean (without traces of corrosion, chips or residues of previous leak stopper)
Degrease the surfaces subjected to the tightening (flanges, washers) with use of solvent (see Table 202
item 44).
Wash these surfaces two times (with 15-20 minutes pause) with use of brush or rag saturated with solvent
and next dry them in the air for 15-20 minutes.
Degreased surfaces can be touched with clean and dry gloves only.
If it is necessary to clean the connecting surfaces of the dry oil or leak stopper applied previously, use the
remover for that (see Table 202 item 43). Put on the large amount of remover on the surface of flange and
washer and wait for 10-30 minutes in order to obtain the soft layer of soil.