Installing and wiring
Operation and running
Please follow the specified combination of the
motor and drive.
To prevent fire or
Do not touch the terminals of connector directly.
To prevent electric shock
or malfunction.
Fix the motor and have the test run away from the
mechanical system. After confirming the operation,the
motor can be securely mounted to mechanical system.
To prevent injury.
The servo motor must be installed in the
specified direction.
To prevent injury or
Install the equipment correctly in accordance with
its weight and rated output.
To prevent injury or
The parameter settings must not be changed
excessively. Operation will be instable.
To prevent injury.
When power is restored after an instantaneous power
failure, keep away from the machine because the
machine may be restarted suddenly(design the machine
so that it is secured against hazard if restarted).
To prevent injury.
Do not climb or stand on servo equipment. Do
not put heavy objects on equipment.
To prevent electric shock,
injury, fault or damage.
Keep it away from the direct sunlight.
Do not block intake and prevent the foreign
matters from entering into the motor and drive.
To prevent electric shock
or fire.
Do not put strong impact on the motor, drive
and motor shaft.
The electromagnetic brake on the servo motor is
designed to hold the servo motor shaft and should
not be used for ordinary braking.
To prevent malfunction.
To prevent malfunction.
To prevent injury or
Do not use it at the location with great vibration
and shock.
To prevent electric shock,
injury or fire.
Other safety instructions
Do not use the servo m otor with its cable
soaked in oil or water.
To prevent electric shock,
m alfunction or dam age
Operate the switches and wiring with dry hand.
To prevent electric shock,
injury or fire.
Do not touch the keyway directly when using
the m otor with shaft-end keyway.
To prevent injury.
Do not touch the m otor and drive heat sink, as
they are very hot.
To prevent burns or parts
dam aged.
Do not drive the m otor by external drive.
To prevent fire.
Confirm the equipm ent’ s safety after the
earthquake happens.
To prevent electric shock,
injury or fire.
Installing and setting correctly to prevent the fire
and personal injury when earthquake happens.
To prevent injury, electric
shock, fire, m alfunction
or dam age.
Provide an external em ergency stop circuit to
ensure that operation can be stopped and
power switched off im m ediately.
To prevent injury, electric
shock, fire, m alfunction
or dam age.
Before wiring or inspection, turn off the power
and wait for 5 m inutes or m ore.
To prevent electric shock.
Transportation and storage
Do not install or operate a faulty servo motor or drive.
To prevent injury, electric
shock or fire
The electromagnetic brake may not hold the servo motor
shaft. To ensure safety, install a stopper on the machine side.
To prevent injury.
Check the power specification.
To prevent fault.
A sudden restart is made if an alarm is reset with
the run signal on.
To prevent injury.
Connect the relay for emergency stop and for brake in series.
To prevent injury or malfunction.
Do not subject the equipment to the place with
rain, waterdrop, poisonous gases or liquids.
To prevent malfunction.
Do not carry the servo motor by the cables, shaft
or encoder during transportation.
Do not drop or dump the motor during
transportation and installation.
Store the unit in a place in accordance with the
instruction manual.
If store it for a long time, Consult HCFA.
To prevent injury or
To prevent injury or
To prevent malfunction.
Other safety instructions
Please dispose the battery according to your local laws and regulations.
When disposing of the product, handle it as industrial waste.
Do not touch the servo drive heat sink, regenerative
resistor, servo motor etc. Their temperatures may be
high while power is on or for some time after power-off.
To prevent burns or
electric shock.
Do not turn on or switch off the main power frequently.
To prevent malfunction.
Maintenance and inspection
Do not disassemble and/or repair the equipment
on customer side.
To prevent malfunction.
If the servo motor is to be stored for a long time,
switch off the power.
To prevent misoperation
and injury.
When the drive become faulty, switch off the
control circuit and main power.
To prevent fire.
About maintenance and inspection
< Warranty period>
The term of warranty for the product is 18 months from the date of manufacture. It’ s
exceptional to brake motors as they are warranted when acceleration/deceleration
times is not beyond the specified service life.
< Warranty coverage >
This warranty applies only when the condition, method, environment, etc. of use are
in compliance with the terms and conditions and instructions that are stated in the
instruction manual and user manual for the Product.
However, even during warranty period, the repair cost will be charged on customer
in the following cases.
1) A failure caused by improper storing or handling, repair and modification.
2) A failure caused by the parts which have dropped down or damaged during transportation
3) A failure caused when the products have been used beyond the product specification
4) A failure caused by external factors such as inevitable accidents, including but not
limited to fire, earthquake, lightning stroke, windstorm disaster, flood, salt damage,
abnormal fluctuation of voltage and other natural disaster.
5) A failure caused by the intrusion of water, oil, metal and other foreign matters.
The warranty coverage is only for the product itself. We assume no responsibilities for
any losses of opportunity and/or profit incurred by you due to a failure of the Product.
Installation and Wiring for SV-X3 Series Servo Motor
Manual Number
Manual Version
M ay, 2019
Thank you for purchasing this product.
This manual mainly describes the safety use, installation and wiring
for SV-X3 series servo motor.
N am e
N um ber
Servo m otor
Installation and Wiring for SV-X3 Series Servo Motor Hardware Instruction
Certificate of Approval
4pin term inal
Check if there are som e dam age to the products during transportation.
Safety precautions
Please pay attention to the flowing safety precautions anywhere and any tim e
during acceptance inspection, installation, wiring, operation and m aintenance.
■ In this m anual, the safety precautions are ranked as " DAN GER" and " CAUTION ”
Indicates “ Prohibitions” (Indicates what m ust not be done.)
Indicates that incorrect handling may result in death or severe injury.
Indicates that incorrect handling m ay result in m edium or slight
personal injury or physical dam age.
Indicates “ Forced” .(Indicates what m ust be done.)
Installing and wiring
Operation and running
Do not connect the motor to the commercial power.
To prevent fire or malfunction.
Do not place the combustibles around the servo motor and drive.
To prevent fire.
Be sure to protect the drives through the case,
and leave specified clearances between the case
or other equipment and the drive.
To prevent electric shock,
fire or malfunction.
Install it at the place free from excessive dust and
dirt, water and oil mist
To prevent electric shock,
fire , malfunction or damage
Install the equipment to incombustibles, such as metal.
To prevent fire.
Any person who is involved in wiring and inspection
should be fully competent to do the work.
To prevent electric shock.
FG terminal of motor and drive must be grounded.
To prevent electric shock.
Perform the wiring correctly after cut off the breaker.
To prevent electric shock,
injury, malfunction or damage
Have the insulation processing when connecting
To prevent electric shock,
fire or malfunction.
During operation, never touch the internal parts of the drive.
To prevent burns or electric shock.
The cables should not be damaged, stressed
loaded, or pinched.
To prevent electric shock,
malfunction or damage.
During operation, never touch the rotating parts
of the servo motor.
To prevent injury.
Do not install the equipment under the conditions
with water, corrosive and flammable gas.
To prevent fire.
Any questions, please contact the HCFA Corporation.
2pin term inal (For m otor with brake)
Flat key
Hardware Instruction
For m ore details, please refer to < SV-X3 Series Servo Drive Instruction
M anual> .
Confirm the following item s when unpacking:
To prevent malfunction.