Operation and installation manual
Page 28 of 82
(PVI-10.0/12.5-OUTD-xx Rev:1.2)
Electrical Connections
Step 1/5: Open grid disconnect (Ac)
Step 2/5: Open photovoltaic field disconnect (Dc)
Step 3/5: Open the front panel removing the 6 safety bolts
Step 4/5: Connect AURORA to Ac grid disconnect
use suitable low-impedance cables to connect AURORA to
AC disconnect.
AURORA inverter shall be connected to AC disconnect by
means of a five-pole cable: three phase cables, one neutral cable and a
yellow-green cable for ground (PE).
Lay out the cable between AURORA and the AC disconnect
connect the three-pole cable to Aurora by means of the fairlead on the
mechanical parts
Connect the 5 cables as follows:
Terminal for Protective Earth PE
terminal R for Line R,
terminal S for Line S.
terminal T for Line T.
terminal N for neutral.
Fig.11 - Terminal board for AC cables connections