Operation and installation manual
Page 23 of 82
(PVI-10.0/12.5-OUTD-xx Rev:1.2)
Fig.6 - AURORA wall-mounting
: Ensure Aurora is not exposed to direct sun radiation or other external
heat sources, including heat from units below it (see fig.7). Indeed, the heat
generated by the inverters of the bottom rows could increase ambient
temperature to the detriment of the inverters located in the top rows. At
temperature above 50°C, output power of the top row units could be derated.
Derating is more marked in case of high output power and high ambient
temperature. For proper cooling, make sure to install AURORA so as to
allow unobstructed air flow (for instance, never with the front panel facing a
solid surface).
Part A
Part C
Part D
Part B
Part D
Part C