Lange Wand 9
31812 Bad Pyrmont, Germany
Phone: +49 (5281) 9309-0
Fax: +49 (5281) 9309-30
[email protected]
SyncBox/N2X: Converts NTP or IEEE-1588 to IRIG, 10MHz, PPS, DCF77
and serial time telegrams
The SyncBox/N2X operates as an IEEE-1588 multicast slave clock or NTP client in a PTP / NTP network and
with its interfaces this converter can synchronize many different systems. Our [2]
or a [3]
can be used as a reliable time source.
- The following output signals are available: PPO (PPS, PPM, PPH, TC DCLS, DCF77 Marks) 10 MHZ
serial time string (Meinberg, Uni Erlangen, NMEA) Option: TC AM Frequenz Synth. sine
- IEEE 1588-2008 (PTP V2) compatible ordinary clock
- Serial COM port for initial configuration and time telegrams
- Supported Protocols: IPv4, NTP, PTP / IEEE 1588-2008, DHCP
- Signal outputs with fiber optical ST connectors available
- Generates several different modulated (AM) and unmodulated (DCLS) IRIG time code signals
- Option: N2X chassis with clamp for 35mm railmount
- 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface - Power over Ethernet option available on request
- Configuration and montoring with Meinberg Device Manager Software
rev 2020.1015.1509
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