Installation & Operation Manual TCC70XS
Page 65
Single Jam
This method will switch from JAM SYNC to START mode automatically as soon as the time
code generator has once received data from the reader. If
according to the set
up at
“Values” –
a time transfer has been selected, the time addresses of the generator will be set
by the time addresses of the read time code only once; after that the time will be counted
If TCC70XS has been switched off, the “Single Jam” method will be cleared
Single Jam
can be activated by a click on a button at the configuration tool, or by a
programmed function key or a programmed GPIO.
Continuous Jam Sync. This method swaps the generator to a free
running mode if there is
no time code input (unlimited flying wheel).
Cont. 1Frame
Jam Sync with one
frame drop
out compensation. This method forces the generator to
stop if there is no time code input for more than one frame and if a transfer of time data
has been selected.
Cont. Wheel
Jam Sync with programmed drop
out compensation. This method forces the generator to
stop if there are no time code input for more than a programmed number of frames and if
a transfer of time data has been selected.
This method operates
similar to “Single Jam”
. There will be one transfer only, but unlike
“Single Jam” this m
ethod keeps the JAM SYNC mode, so every time TCC70XS powers up a
single transfer occurs. The transfer in this method waits until the generator reaches the
, i.e. after power
on the generator has to lock to the selected source signal, after
that the data from the read time code will be transferred to the generator.
Basically, the Jam Sync method checks the read time code on plausibility and ascending
continuous order of the time before a transfer to the generator can take place. But the
"converter" method accepts every read value including standing or even non
values. This method transfers directly and exactly each frame from reader to generator. If
no time code is read, the generator stops.
A time code, which is badly readable or incomplete, will pass these disturbances to the time
code output.
Example for this application: ATC
LTC converter. Even the time code
of a frozen (still) image or during a single step motion is directly transferred to the
generated LTC.
Diff Cont.
Diff Stop
Although the read time values will be checked for plausibility and ascending order, it
cannot be prevented in all cases that there are frame jumps in the generated time code.
For example, now and then a frame jump occurs if read time code and generated time
code are not synchronized to each other. Nevertheless, selecting either the
Diff Cont.
Diff Stop
method a clean regeneration can be achieved.