EN001 H01
10.3.1 Required generator rated output power
It is not possible to make a statement for the necessary generator output power in each individual
case, because every fitting manufacturer has different specifications.
The information in the following table below is to be used only as a guide as it can differ from your
actual requirements.
The usable generator power will decrease by 10 % per 1000 m of height above sea level.
For an individual recommendation you can download our App „PFS Barcode Decoder“. With this
app you can scan a fitting barcode and get detailed information about the fitting and a
recommendation for the necessary generator output power.
Our App „PFS Barcode Decoder“ is available for Android in the Google Play Store as well as
for iOS in the iTunes App Store.
Fitting diameter
Output Power
20-160 mm
3.2 kW
180-500 mm
4.5 kW (mechanically controlled)
5 kW (electronically controlled)
> 500 mm
6.5 kW (mechanically controlled)
7.5 kW (electronically controlled)
For generators with a poor control response or for generators with a bad tension stability, the guaranteed
output power must be 3 to 3.5 times of the load to ensure a trouble free operation. The suitability of
electronically controlled generators must be tested before usage due to the fact that the rotational speed of
some generators tend to fluctuate, which results in extreme voltage peaks. Furthermore unexpected
shutdown of the generator may occur.