EN001 H01
12.3 USB*
The menu item "USB" includes functions to transfer reports to a USB memory stick and to print reports to a
directly connected printer.
Before selecting the menu entry "USB" connect the desired terminal equipment, USB memory stick
or printer, to the USB interface of the electrofusion control unit.
After selecting the menu entry "USB" the electrofusion control unit checks if a device is connected.
If this is not the case, an error will be shown.
Appearance in PDF
All (short)
Whole memory (all reports)
All (long)
Whole memory (all reports)
1 page per report
Job no. (short)
Per job number
Job no. (long)
Per job number
1 page per report
When transferring the reports to a USB memory stick two files are created: one PDF file and one file with the
extension "log", which contains the reports in CSV format.
The electrofusion control unit generates a PDF file on the USB memory stick, which contains
the already formatted welding reports. The PDF file can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 3.0
or higher; www.adobe.com).
This format contains the report data in a tabular format, in which the report data is stored in
one row each. The data fields are separated by semicolons. This file type can be opened by standard
spreadsheet or database applications. We highly recommend using the EXCEL macro stored on the supplied
USB memory stick to transfer the data unadulterated to an EXCEL-spreadsheet. The macro is stored on the
supplied USB memory stick in the folder </macro/de>. Also, read the manual for this macro, which is stored
in the same folder. In addition, the content of the folder should be copied to a computer and the EXCEL
macro should only be run from a local hard drive.
The CSV file can also be opened with the Datamatic software. To do so use the function "Open as text file"
and select the appropriate file.
Location/file name: The electrofusion control unit generates a sub folder </PF> on the USB memory stick, in
which the generated files are stored. The file names are generated by the electrofusion control unit according
to the following syntax: <PFnnnnn.PDF> for PDF files and <PFnnnnn.log> for CVS-files. <nnnnn> stands for
an incremental numbering, which ensures that already existing files are not overwritten.
The USB memory stick is not a suitable medium for permanent storage of data. Backup your
data regularly.
Transfer the reports to a PC or Notebook as soon as possible and erase the files on the USB memory stick.
The number of files per folder on the USB memory stick is limited to 30 per file format. If more than 30 files
are created, the electrofusion control unit will create a new folder on the USB memory stick with the name PF
and a progressive number.
*) Only with electrofusion control units that have data recording capability.