All about surcharges
Surcharges allow you to add a fee to actual mail costs during the accounting and reporting process. If you
set up a surcharge in the Accounts application, you are creating a global surcharge, or surcharge that will
be applied to each and every transaction processed by the mailing system.
If select and edit a surcharge on the Run Mail screen, you are applying a batch surcharge, or a surcharge
that is customized for a specific transaction. The batch surcharge values revert to the global surcharge
settings when you close the job, reload the job, or when the batch is ended.
You can apply a surcharge per piece of mail, per transaction, and/or per transaction percentage.
An amount per mail piece surcharge is calculated by multiplying the number of pieces processed
by the surcharge setting. This surcharge can be set anywhere from -1.00 to 1.00.
An amount per transaction surcharge is applied to each batch (or transaction) run on the system.
This surcharge can be set anywhere from -50.00 to 50.00.
A percentage per mail piece surcharge is calculated multiplying the postage cost of the entire
batch by the percent transaction setting. This surcharge can be set anywhere from -100% to
The currency amount entered can be either positive or a negative. A negative amount indicates a
discount will be applied to the postage amount for the piece of mail or transaction. A positive amount
indicates a surcharge will be applied to the postage amount for the piece of mail or transaction.
Setting Up and Editing Global Surcharges
You can create global surcharges, or surcharges that will be applied to each and every transaction
processed by your mailing system.
Pitney Bowes
Operator Guide
February, 2018
Page 181 of 349