Account Search Timeout:
The Account Search timeout option allows you to search for a
particular account and is useful if you have many accounts created in your machine. The timeout
can be set to allow you to specify how much time you want the system to wait while you search for
the account. The timeout range is 0 milliseconds to 5 seconds.
System timeouts are set within the Settings application.
1. Select the
button in the Mailing tile on the Home screen.
2. Select
from the list on the left side of the screen.
3. Select
4. Select the appropriate timeout from the list and then select the
Open timeout
5. Select and drag the control button along the slide bar to adjust the timeout. Use the + and - buttons
for a more precise selection.
6. If you have selected the default job timeout, you can enable or disable it by selecting the timeout
check box. A check mark indicates that the timeout is enabled.
7. Select
when you have finished making your changes.
8. Select the
button to return to the Home screen.
What you should know about ENERGY STAR®
If your system is equipped with the ENERGY STAR it will automatically shutdown after it has been
inactive for 40 minutes. You must restart your system to be able to perform operations again - whether
your system timed-out during the day or overnight. This restart process normally takes several minutes.
The 40 minute timeout period is required to meet ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. See
below to learn more about ENERGY STAR®.
ENERGY STAR is the trusted, government-backed symbol for energy efficiency helping us all save
money and protect the environment through energy-efficient products and practices. The ENERGY
STAR label was established to: 1) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants caused by
the inefficient use of energy; and 2) Make it easy for consumers to identify and purchase energy-efficient
products that offer savings on energy bills without sacrificing performance, features, and comfort.
System Setup
Pitney Bowes
Operator Guide
February, 2018
Page 227 of 349