Basic system management configuration task list
IPLink Software Configuration Guide
8 • Basic system management
Display time since last restart
This procedure describes how to display the time since last restart
Operator execution
The following example shows how to display the uptime of your device, if you start from the configuration mode.
IPLink>show uptime
The system is up for 1 days, 23 hours, 44 minutes, 18 seconds
Configuring and starting the Web server
IPLink includes an embedded web server, that can be used together with a customer-specific Java applet that
must be downloaded into the persistent memory region of your IPLink. Applets are similar to applications but
they do not run as standalones. Instead, applets adhere to a set of conventions that lets them run within a Java-
compatible browser. With a Java applet, custom-specific configuration tasks of IPLink software are possible
using a browser instead of accessing the IPLink software CLI via Telnet or the serial console.
Without a Java applet the value of the embedded web server is limited. Contact Patton Electronics Co. for any
questions about custom designed Java configuration tools for IPLink software.
Mode: Configure
Configuring and starting the Web server
The following example shows how to set the web server language and the listening port of your device, if you
start from the configuration mode.
IPLink(cfg)#webserver language en
IPLink(cfg)#webserver port 80
Determining and defining the active CLI version
IPLink software allows having a number of CLI version installed together, whereas only one CLI version is
activated. There are commands available to determine the currently running CLI version and if necessary
switch to another CLI version. The idea of having several CLI version available on a system is mostly to offer
reduced or enhanced command sets to users.
node>show uptime
Display the time since last restart.
node(cfg)#webserver language
Sets the language to either German (de) or English (en).
node(cfg)#webserver port
Sets the listening port number in the 1 to 65535, default
port number for the web server is 80.